Monday, June 14, 2010

BLOG 6 - Me in 10 years and What I wish I could have done differently in High School

Well, if you really must know, in ten years i want to be teaching either global/world history or spanish in a high school classroom. This may sound really corny, but this has been something that I have really wanted to do for a really long time. I love history and I love to teach it, I am just one of those kids who wants to go out and educate the world about our own history which many have forgotten about in their lives. I also would love to teach spanish simply because I enjoy the challenge of speaking a different language and I have been learning the Spanish Language ever since the seventh grade. I really want to go to college to become a history or spanish teacher.
One thing I would most definitly do differently or never do at all in high school is, be in a serious relationship with one of your close friends. That mistake still causes me problems to this day which I try to just forget about. Many decisions in life similar to that will often come back to you and bite you in the a** at the worst times. One other thing i would also do differently in High School is do everything better than I did it before (gradewise), especially this year. I wish that I could have studied more this year and that might have brought a better turn out to my junior year, because last minute cramming sucks big time. But I do believe everything happens for the best so life must go on regardless if I like it or not.

My Life Story

My name is Dominick Michael Spylios, I am sixteen years old and I will be seventeen next Wednesday. I was born in San Diego, California on June 23rd, 1993 at six thirty p.m. Pacific Time in the Mary Birch Medical Center of Sharp Hospital. I am a young man of European, Middle Eastern, Latino, and African American descent. I live with my father who is polish, Greek, Italian, and Syrian and I was raised by him, his mother, his sister, and his grandmother who make up the wonderful life of Dominick Spylios. As you may realize, I did not mention my relationship with my mother and her family. I was brought into a life where my parents were not together and I was carted back and forth between my mother and father. My mother is of African American and Puerto Rican descent and today lives in Northern California, along with my six half siblings, that's right six. I am my mothers fifth child. I have one older half-sister named Angel, three older half-brothers named Prentis, Christopher, and Cassinova, and I also have two younger half sisters named Anna and Destiny. When I was an infant, my mother was unable to take care of me and her four other children all at once.So out of instinct, my father took me away from my mother and received full custody of me when I was thirteen months old. I moved with in with my grandmother in New Paltz and I have lived here ever since, however I have still not made any contact with my mother ever since that day. Growing up as an only child with a single father was very hard to deal with, until about the 1st grade I would cry because I missed my mother and I never truly understood why she was absent from my life. Growing up in New Paltz has made such a dramatic impact on my life, New Paltz is just one of those places where anything in everything is accepted by the public.
When I was a second grader at Duzine Elementary School in Mrs. Skinner's class, I began to realize that I was quite unique and no one was quite like me. I felt racially different. Almost everyone in my class was of European descent, and maybe about three students were African American, however I was in the middle of this situation, because I was a bi-racial boy that was raised by an all white family and I was the only child like me in my entire class, I felt very different. But thank god I never received racial discrimination from any of my peers in my childhood and adolescent years of life. I felt alone until about the year 2000, when my cousin Derrick was born, he was and still today is like my little brother, and he too has a white mother and African American father. A year later his brother Donovan was born. To this day, the three of us are more like brothers than cousins regardless of our seven and eight year age difference. One of the things I love the most about my family, is that the color of our skin is invisible, and that the color of our love is what really matters on the inside. In my family, there are always conflicts but those conflicts will never separate us, because my family will always be there for me when anything happens, and visa versa.
As you can see, this essay is coming straight from the bottom of my heart and I'm just pouring it into this paper as I go. In life, it is believed that one is what he/she sees, feels, and hears, and I find this to be very true to me. As a maturing young man, I used to obtain a harsh feeling of anger towards my mother, and I never really understood why she left my life, this came to me as a very frustrating issue to deal with. To this day, my father has disconnected contact from my mother and I, however it took me sixteen years to really find out that is was for the better of me. I sadly found this out the hard way. As the curious young adult that I am, I had sometimes tried to rediscover my past and really see why I am who I am today. A few years ago I stumbled upon birthday cards and custody files from my mom, and to find out that she was an unfit mother who neglected to keep in consistent contact with me,she would attempt once, then forget about me for about a year then attempt it again, and it killed me on the inside. I found this out from my close family members. It took me sixteen years of being stubborn thinking I was always right, to realize that my dad was doing this to protect me from emotional harm and I am forever grateful for that. In the near future I do plan on making the trip to California to see my other family, but I am still wondering what my reactions are going to be. That also contributes to who I am, and I am still out to conquer my goals in life.
I believe that I am what I see, hear, and feel, because these factors have all shaped the mold of the life of Dominick Michael Spylios. I see respect from others, and everyday drama in my life, this has helped me become a young man who is responsible, honest, amiable, and respectful. There have been times in my life when I have have been called hurtful things by people who do not know the real me, and then there are people to know me for who I am and can always think of the sentence “Dominick Spylios is such a nice boy.” This has shaped my life because I am one who is very well liked by many, and I am able to discard people's hateful comments from my emotions and actions, I am also one who is always remembered for being that nice young man. Throughout my short and nowhere near complete life, I have felt many things, and the most powerful thing I have ever felt in my life is love. People show me love and really are able to reach down inside me and see the true Dominick Michael Spylios. I was raised by love, my family and my life is made of love and nothing else. Love has gotten me to where I am, and love will take me anywhere I dream of. The powerful of feeling love has shaped my life because I am surrounded by it and I am always one to give it, making me one of the nicest people anyone could ever know. That is the story of Dominick Michael Spylios and that is why I am who I am, and I think that I will be an outstanding asset to your college.