Thursday, May 20, 2010

Technology and My Literacy

Ever since the first grade I have had a computer in my life. Until middle school I didn't have access to the internet at home, so there was really no affect on by reading through the computer, I would read every night for an hour before I went to bed until around the time I started middle school, also when I got access to the internet at home. After being able to surf the web whenever I wanted to. Now I can read books online aswell. Nut technology like computers have really taken time away from me. Reading had moved from a hobby to a homework assignment and I had only been doing it when I had to, and sadly I have the same habbits today. Televisions and iPods also contribute to the time not used reading. My life revolves around music so my iPod can be my best friend at times. I believe that if the computer, the television, and the iPod were not created, I would definitly have more time to myself reading.