Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Growing up as a child I had read many books and enjoyed tons of them like: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Magic Tree House Series, The Littles, Animal Ark, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Odyssey, The Face On The Milk Carton, and Go Ask Alice. I would have to say that my favorite book that I remember the most about and that majorly changed my way of thinking about day to day life was definitly Go Ask Alice by Anonymous. This book was so intense, it tells the story of this teenage girl who moves to a new town and makes the change from innocent school girl, to alcoholic and drug addicted girl who sleeps around at parties gets high and runs away from home twice. The entire story is told through 1st person narration through Alice's diary. I read this book back in the 8th grade and I am strongly considering reading it again because I am simply in love with this book because it is phenomenal. After reading this book I realized how drugs can really mess up your life, from making you "put the crazy pants on" to seeing cockroaches, maggots, and worms all over your body during an overdose, and eventually killing you. This book caused the red light to flash in my brain and is always there to remind me of what to do and what not to do. That is why I strongly think of Go Ask Alice as an inspirational, motivational, and life changinging book. It is the best book I have ever read in my life......so far