Monday, June 14, 2010

BLOG 6 - Me in 10 years and What I wish I could have done differently in High School

Well, if you really must know, in ten years i want to be teaching either global/world history or spanish in a high school classroom. This may sound really corny, but this has been something that I have really wanted to do for a really long time. I love history and I love to teach it, I am just one of those kids who wants to go out and educate the world about our own history which many have forgotten about in their lives. I also would love to teach spanish simply because I enjoy the challenge of speaking a different language and I have been learning the Spanish Language ever since the seventh grade. I really want to go to college to become a history or spanish teacher.
One thing I would most definitly do differently or never do at all in high school is, be in a serious relationship with one of your close friends. That mistake still causes me problems to this day which I try to just forget about. Many decisions in life similar to that will often come back to you and bite you in the a** at the worst times. One other thing i would also do differently in High School is do everything better than I did it before (gradewise), especially this year. I wish that I could have studied more this year and that might have brought a better turn out to my junior year, because last minute cramming sucks big time. But I do believe everything happens for the best so life must go on regardless if I like it or not.

1 comment:

Michelle Diana said...

Yeah, what an interesting life lesson, not to be in a relationship with a good friend.... true that!