Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Growing up as a child I had read many books and enjoyed tons of them like: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Magic Tree House Series, The Littles, Animal Ark, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Odyssey, The Face On The Milk Carton, and Go Ask Alice. I would have to say that my favorite book that I remember the most about and that majorly changed my way of thinking about day to day life was definitly Go Ask Alice by Anonymous. This book was so intense, it tells the story of this teenage girl who moves to a new town and makes the change from innocent school girl, to alcoholic and drug addicted girl who sleeps around at parties gets high and runs away from home twice. The entire story is told through 1st person narration through Alice's diary. I read this book back in the 8th grade and I am strongly considering reading it again because I am simply in love with this book because it is phenomenal. After reading this book I realized how drugs can really mess up your life, from making you "put the crazy pants on" to seeing cockroaches, maggots, and worms all over your body during an overdose, and eventually killing you. This book caused the red light to flash in my brain and is always there to remind me of what to do and what not to do. That is why I strongly think of Go Ask Alice as an inspirational, motivational, and life changinging book. It is the best book I have ever read in my life......so far


Ciara said...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar has so many great life values. The equivalent of Hamlet to children's books. He is not just eating his food, just filling the gap in his heart from the abandonment he faced as a small egg. It is not fully mentioned, yet inferred by that poor lonely egg as the story opens up. The Caterpillar struggles through his terrible habit of overeating in an attempt to overcome his emotional scarring. Later he becomes a butterfly proving that if one accomplished the obstacles in life, you too will become a beautiful butterfly.

Michelle Diana said...

I remember that I loved Go Ask Alice in middle school, and I had the same feelings about the main character (and the way the story was told, in journal format)... great choice!

mary gilmore said...

I've never read Go Ask Alice but I always wondered about it. Just the description of the overdose scene makes me want to read it even more.

Aleah said...

I also read Go Ask Alice in 8th grade and it was extremely eye opening. I think books like that should be read by everyone because they really expose you to the dangers of the obstacles in life.

Alanna said...

I read Go Ask Alice also as a young teenager, and I would strongly recommend it to other yound adults as well. It allowed me to see the dangers and risks teenagers take and eventually dealing with the consequences. I also liked that Go Ask Alice was so memorable, and even after several years anyone who reads it still remembers the moral of the novel.

Luisa said...

I loved the Magic Tree House books! I read about 3 a week haha up all night and in class. But my sister read Go Ask Alice and said it was a real eye opener to all the crap drugies suffer. so Sad

zschapira said...

I read the Hungry Caterpillar, Harry Potter, and The Magic Tree House Series as well :D! I completely agree about what you said about Go Ask Alice. It was the first book I read about drugs, and it was extremely shocking, and therefore eye opening. I too would like to re read it after maturing some from the first read. I respect your novel choices, and if you could remind me how Go Ask Alice ends, that would be great! :)

Michelle Diana said...

haha.... just watched the bon qui qui video....